PMCC 4th Watch
Pentecostal Missionary
(4th Watch)


Leadership Discovery Kicks Off at NorCal

Last March 16, 63 of our district's North California elders, adult and youth leaders, and those potential leaders gathered together to take part in another breakthrough of our visionary district coordinator Pastor Jonathan Ferriol. The Leadership Discovery with a theme of "Discovering the leader in you" was fitted with its aim of achieving the goal of identifying the members with leadership potentials and to develop the current generation of members.

The local church of Fremont hosted the said event and made the sanctuary very much conducive for every participant to listen and to learn as Pastor Jonathan gave emphasis about the nobility, traits, and virtues of biblical leadership. At the end of the whole day seminar, every one received their certificate of participation and you can trace in their faces the spiritual equipping they have on that day.


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